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Monthly Archives: April 2018
Medicine Buddha Day…
According to the Tibetan calendar, the 8th day of every moon cycle is the day of Medicine Buddha. So be it waxing or waning, the 8th day is Medicine Buddha day. These days are great to do something for our … Continue reading
Bhanu Saptami, a day for health
Bhanu Saptami, is a reccuring day in the Vedic Calendar! Bhanu is one of the names of the Sun in the ancient Sanskrit language, and Saptami means the 7th lunar day. So whenever the 7th day after Full or Dark … Continue reading
1st post: Akshaya Tritiya!
In the ancient traditions of Vedic India, Akshaya Tritiya was always considered a very auspicious day. So we decided to start our site on this very day! Om Tat Sat Adam Baktai, Hindu priest, an acknowledged expert in Vedic sciences