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Category Archives: Vedic thought: the culture of Ayurveda and Yoga
When shall we start our New Year’s resolutions?!
The year 2023 is really special, because as soon as the new year starts the moon will be crossing the Ashwini star constellation, the very first constellation of the Vedic Zodiac. So the very first day of our new year … Continue reading
Neem leaves, the best remedy for liver and blood ailments…
Neem leaves, though it might sound extremely mysterious, are actually leaves off a tree, called neem. The neem is fast growing tree, that belongs to the mahagony family. It grows in the tropical and semi-tropical regions. The science of Ayurveda … Continue reading
A word explonation for the popular sanskrit terms mantra, tantra and yantra!
These 3 sanskrit words have the very same sufix, -tra. Which means: to elevate, to raise. So the word mantra means, to raise or elevate the mind, as the first part of this word ‘man’ means ‘mind’. The word ‘tan’ … Continue reading
Why is the number 108 is so special in Hindu and Buddhist cultures?!
Actually the number 108, is made up, by the simple mathematical formula of 9 x 12. 9 is the largest number that exists, if we look at it, from a numerological point of view. Because according to the science of … Continue reading
Akshaya Tritiya, the best astrological day of the year!
As the planets continuously circle the Sun, time and time again we have really good and really difficult astrological positions. But apart from these regular cycles once a year we have a day, when 3 planets out of 9, is usually … Continue reading
The Vedic approach….
One of the biggest differences between the Eastern and Western approach to life is how we view knowledge. In the west we tend to think there is no perfect knowledge. So the idea is if more manpower and money is … Continue reading
The need for a spring cleansing rite…
The idea of fasting and cleansing rituals are present in every culture and traditions. And many of these traditions position their fasts and detox procedures for the spring season. Like the Eastern fast in the christian traditions or Ugadi in … Continue reading